Archive for the ‘google’ Category


Total Google searches: 5346

January 1, 2008

That’s the number of search I did using Google in last 6 months (since they set up their web history around June). Do you imagine that ? More than 10000 searches/year, 27/day, 1/hour…

Now you have an idea of Google success. Google’s search engine is the thing I use the more together with… Gmail, GoogleReader…

Of course I am not a typical web user as 1) I work in IT 2) I am damn curious and need to find what I am looking for.

Now this raises several questions :

  • Is this number (5346) accurate ? Didn’t I search more… or less ?

The counter must not have missed many queries (ie when I am not logged in) as I nearly always have a living opened Google session with Gmail in some other tab while I am on inet. Though this number could actually be cut by a half because many semantical searches out of all this needed several refinements, each incrementing the counter (ie “m17n windows”, “notepad m17n compliant”, “m17n editor”, …)

  • Is this web history useful ? For me ? For Google ?

For me, not really… All searches lead to Rome anyway so why would I need a very specific search I did 5 months ago ? The only time it was useful for me was now to realize how much I was using Google.

For Google,… it’s a damn mine of information (one more).

Oh, by the way, I only clicked on 4 sponsors in 6 months, which gives a 0.0007% click ratio. But maybe this is because I block Ads, Fuck Ads! Too bad such useful services as Google live on ads only…